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Leading with Integrity: My 17-Year Relationship with SolutionStart

Testimonial by: Dr. Frank Kendrick, DMD

“In July 2007, I was opening a new dental practice in three days and going all digital. On the test runs for the systems there were operational errors occurring that were going to make it impossible to be able to open. I had the good fortune to have some guidance encouraging me to call them. What I encountered was delightfully not what I expected. The gentlemen who came to survey my situation were down to earth, personable, spoke in terms that I easily understood, and were very reassuring as it was ever obvious that I was highly anxious over the fact of the grand opening of the office. Upon finishing the assessment, a reasonable plan was presented to me that resolved the problems and safeguarded my network with contemporarily excellent products and management. SolutionStart saved the day for me!”

“Early on in the relationship with SolutionStart I had the honor to meet Jimmy Georgiou, the owner. As well I have had the great pleasure of working with Billy Drosinis who has kept me up-to-date on best practices as related to having a technologically sound office.”

“Over the course of 17 years, I have seen them be honorable men of integrity who care about maintaining harmonious relationships with their business partners. I am not easily impressed, but I have seen them be true to their word while guiding me to an excellent product that has kept my businesses online and technologically protected.

“I believe in them and maintained for 12 years respectively my 2 dental offices. I thank God for them and the peace of mind they have given me. I trust on the premise that if men of integrity like them are leading SolutionStart, then I am in good hands. Thank you SolutionStart for your reliability and consistency! Thank you for your attentiveness to all of the urgencies over the years. Katerina, thank you for always following through to completeness on each task that you committed to carry. Jimmy, you have exceeded my expectations and for that I am ever grateful! Thank you for caring about the relationship. I appreciate you! The Lord bless you and keep you!”

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